The Affectionate Kalpana – My story of Class Mobility, 2017–2020
Countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and India, which are currently
undergoing great economic transitions, experience a very rapid change in
social structure. Due to these developments, the rate of class mobility
has been increasing throughout the past decade, leading to new wealth
and social status for a minor group of people that have previously been
living in poverty.
Jari Silomäki started gathering personal
stories of people who have experienced social class movement, thereby
creating a collective narrative that tells one story with countless
facets, but the same outcome: wealth and status. Even though only
a small group of people is affected by this, they have gained a certain
influence on their surroundings through catalyzing economic growth in
the building, education, entertainment, and technology sector. Yet, the
variety of stories shows that – depending on the country and gender –
these people have struggled or still struggle with social acceptance,
sometimes even being boycotted by long-term business and political
elites in their home countries. The crony capitalism that cannot adapt
to the rapidity of social restructuring processes, considering the ‘Nouveaux Riches’ as
eyesores, undergoing the previous system and thereby leading to
instability. Not descending from the upper class, the subjects’ families
neither had wealth nor status. They are the first generation who
achieved success and will pass it on to their children, thus creating
a new elite of wealth.
Silomäki’s works represent stories of
suffering and longing, of failure, frustration, and self-questioning
that eventually turned into pride and success – how can one capture this
flood of emotions in only one single photographic shot? As Silomäki’s
artistic approach is rooted in both classical documentary and narrative
photography, he has developed a unique way of storytelling, constantly
finding new ways of exploring the limits of photography as a document.
By juxtaposing intimate views into his subjects’ private homes with
images of the essential places of their everyday life – such as high-end
condominiums, glamorous boulevards, or sports clubs – Silomäki combines
the outer and the inner world, navigating through psychological
processes while capturing economic and urban development.