Ragna Róbertsdóttir | The Gerður Prize

Ragna Róbertsdóttir | The Gerður Prize

The Gerður Prize

03 February 2024
Gerðarsafn Kopavogur Art Museum, IS

We give the talented Ragna Róbertsdóttir a huge congratulations on receiving this award, the Gerður Prize, for her rich contribution to sculpture and spatial art in Iceland. 

The Gerður Prize is in honor of the sculptor Gerði Helgadóttir, the prize is now being awarded for the fourth time, with its previous holders being Rósa Gísladóttir, Þór Vigfússon and Finnbogi Pétursson.⁠ ⁠ 

This is awarded by Gerðarsafn Kopavogur Art Museum.⁠