Performance Fressen
Friday, 1 October 2021 at 7 pm
(event by invitation only)
ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 20, 03-801 Warszawa, Poland
Teatr Powszechny
Katarzyna Kozyra's newest project "Fressen" refers to an important political event in Polish-German history – the wedding in Landshut between the Polish princess Jadwiga Jagiellonka and the Bavarian prince Georg der Reiche, which took place in 1475. It is considered the greatest feast of the Middle Ages.
Katarzyna Kozyra touches upon the theme of food and its origin, which is particularly important in today’s light. Food has always played an important role in our social and cultural life as well as being a theme in art since ancient times. It has been an ever-present subject in still life paintings from how it’s prepared to how it’s consumed. This project parallels the artist's interest in the subject of the human body, obesity, and gluttony, which have already been seen in her earlier works such as ‘Women are Waiting’ or ‘Diva Reincarnation’. The detailed script and the order of events are shrouded in secrecy.
Photograph by Magda Typiak
In the frame of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2021.